Noah J Mishael
4813 Tamarisk Lan, Bellaire TX, 77401
Ready to work and willing to do whatever is needed.

An empathetic and efficient individual, with a B.A. Degree in Communications, a minor in Global Studies, and an affinity for writing. I am willing to offer my effort, loyalty and dedication for whatever position that needs me most. I am always open to new ideas, points of views and accept constructive criticism as a way to improve my performance and to further myself.

Schreiner University- BA in Communications, Minor in Global Studies
Graduation- May 2017, cumulative GPA- 3.01
100+ hours in Certified Nurse’s Assistant training- Houston Community College, REG NA0060028950
Jewish Herald-Voice: Reporter December 2016-January 2017
Front Page article: "Disagreement over settlements aside, US-Israel ties remain strong” Jan. 5, 2017
Front Page article: “Partnership benefits young professionals adults with disabilities” Dec. 22, 2016
Front Page article: “Aggies respond to ‘alt-right’ hate speech at Texas A&M” Dec. 15, 2016
Work Experience
Michael’s- Replenishment Associate – Summer 2016 (June-August)
Successful Events Inc.5300 N, Braeswood, Suite 362 Houston, Tx 77096 (September 2017)
Where the Winds Blow – October, 23, 2017- present
Community Service Volunteer
Project C.U.R.E. – Sorting associate volunteer- Summer 2015
West Houston Area Ministries Internship - Sorting Associate- Summer 2014
Worked in SEARCH soup kitchen- Washing Manager- 2009-2014 multiple occasions
Volunteer with Meals On Wheels – Deliverer associate- 2009-2013 multiple occasions
Crossroads Library-Initial cataloging of all books – Summer 2011
Guest presenter to Tuttle School Art class (2 sessions)
Commencement Day Guest Speaker, Crossroads School- 2012
Extracurricular Activities
4 Years of Onigiri (Japanese culture club) 2013-2017
3 years of Varsity Soccer- 2009-2012
4 years membership in B’nai Brith Youth Organization- 2009-2013
4 years of theater (2 crew, 2 years acting)- 2009-2013
“Mr. Green” in Clue
“Doctor” in Rest In Peace
“Ben Wetherstaf” in The Secret Garden
Animation at Art Institute 1 week- Summer of 2012
Digital Creation at UT Austin 1 week- Summer of 2012
Chapter Leadership Training Conference leadership training 2-week residential- Summer of 2010
Dean’s List, Fall 2014, Spring 2017
4 years achieved Breakfast of Champions Award (Academic Excellence)
Swag award for best walk on actor at the Briarwood Swag Awards- spring of 2013
Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry - spring 2012
Outstanding Achievement in Language - spring 2012
School District Award, Academic Excellence- 2005
Software Knowledge
Windows, Mac, Tablet and Smartphone
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
Apple: Keynote & Pages
Gaming Systems: X-Box, Playstation, Nintendo (consoles & handheld), PS Vita, Wii,
Gaming Softwares: X-Box live, Playstation Network, Steam

Digital Nerative
Hello and Welcome
My Name is Noah J Mishael. Thank you for taking the time to look at my online portfolio. The following information will provide a deeper depiction of myself.
I am currently looking for an employment opportunity. I am a college graduate with a strong work ethic and a willingness to learn.
The Life I Have
a general summary

I was born in Mobile' Alabama. I was diagnosed with Autism at an early age and my parents did all in their power to make sure that I had all the advantages I needed to overcome the problems that came with autism, such as learning to understand social clues. With that being said, I have never seen myself as disadvantaged in life because of my Autism. I would consider my life to be blessed more than most; as an adult, I feel responsible for doing for others what they can't do themselves. These feelings of compassion and empathy have been instilled into me through the love, kindness, and charity of my family and my life experiences. As I continue down the path in life that lies before me, I do so knowing that the sense of empathy that I received from my family will help guide my way and remind me to offer my abilities to those who are in need of them.
My Work ethic
how i act

Arriving to commitments early, accepting every task and assignment immediately without complaint and asking for confirmation before declaring a task is complete, the way in which I hold myself in a work environment is meant to optimise efficiency and maintain a productive system of work. I don't feel comfortable being idle in an environment where one is expected to perform and complete tasks. I strive for productivity.
what I enjoy doing

My interests range from simple things like going on walks and video gaming to more beneficial things like learning about different cultures or being with people I enjoy. In addition, I enjoy creative and journalistic writing although, I freely admit that spelling has always been a challenge for me. I always try to understand how other people attribute meaning and value to the subjects or artefacts around them. I genuinely have an interest in learning new things for its own sake.
Samples of My Work
Th following links and PDFs are some examples of the work I have dun ranging from simple writings to published newspaper articles.
Newspaper articles

Aggies respond to ‘alt-right’ hate speech at Texas A&M
Partnership benefits young professionals, adults with disabilities
Disagreement over settlements aside, US-Israeli ties remain strong​
Other Written works
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